Tuesday 31 March 2020

Apocalyse Whenever

I have a keg of beer.

 These things do not keep once opened so I've been doing my level best to chug through it. So at least I've some sort of excuse for lack of productivity - at least for the last quarter of this month. The rest is a bit ... meh ...

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics has been cancelled - as was foretold in 1982.

I remember chortling to myself when it was announced back in 2013, that the 2020 Olympics would be held in Tokyo.

And my own little OC long before any of this kicked off ...

So, no state sponsored psychokinetic experiments let loose amongst gangs of roaming Bōsōzoku ... but it's still not happening ... this year anyway.

Apparently the great toilet paper shortage is over and the supermarkets are now overflowing ... mostly due to people buying 5 years worth in one go. That's a lot of devil chili vindaloos to munch through to use up all that soft, soft papel d'hygenico ...

So everything has ended, and my foot2ball team may be saved from the danger of relegation. Surely global armageddon is a small price to pay for this luxurious reprieve from the third tier of English sportsball?

So ... maybe back to work next month.

Then again, maybe not ...

In the meantime here is what the 1980s looked like in France according to The Old Grey Whistle Test of the same era ...

And here is a picture of a cat ...